Slow Autumn in Casentino Forest Park

Autunno Slow

Nature Event


  • Explore the Casentino Forest National Park
  • Experience stunning fall foliage
  • Enjoy local food and cultural activities
  • Occurs throughout September and October
Casentino Forest National Park (Stages 4-6)
Camaldoli Poppi, Province of Arezzo, Italy

Throughout September and October

Admission Fees:



Autunno Slow is a seven-week event held annually throughout September and October in the picturesque Casentino Forest National Park.

The event celebrates the breathtaking fall foliage and the diverse range of cultural and culinary experiences the region has to offer.

Autunno Slow features a variety of activities such as excursions, workshops, exhibitions, and photography sessions that allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the beauty and magic of the autumn landscape.

The event also showcases the region’s delicious seasonal produce, including mushrooms, chestnuts, pumpkins, and honey. Attendees can explore the park’s stunning foliage, taste local dishes, and learn about the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Casentino region.


Autunno Slow was created to promote the beauty, culture, and flavors of the Casentino Forest National Park during the most colorful season of the year.

The event has its roots in the concept of “slow eating,” which emphasizes the importance of savoring local, seasonal foods and taking the time to appreciate the region’s rich culinary history.

Ancient recipes and Slow Food-protected ingredients are showcased in the various dishes and products on offer.

The event aims to provide a platform for the various entities operating within the region, including local associations, businesses, and citizens, to showcase their unique identities and work together to promote the area’s cultural, environmental, and gastronomic excellence.

Photo Gallery