How to Return to Florence from La Verna

How to Return to Florence from La Verna

You’ve made it to La Verna! Now it’s time to return to Florence.

This guide covers how pilgrims can return to Florence from La Verna after completing the Tuscan stages of the Via di Francesco.

Guide Highlights

  • The best way to get to Florence from La Verna is to take the H11 bus from nearby La Beccia or Chiusi della Verna to Bibbiena. Then take a TFT train from Bibbienna to Arezzo. Then take a Trenitalia train from Arezzo to Florence.
  • Buses do not run on Saturday or Sunday in low seasons.
  • Pilgrims should leave La Verna no later than 12:00 to return to Florence before evening.
  • The trip takes about 6 hours.

Return to Florence: Step by Step

Returning to Florence by public transport will take buses and trains, and possibly a taxi ride.

To go from the Sanctuary of La Verna to Florence, follow these 4 steps:

  • Step 1a: Take taxi to Bibbiena
  • Step 1b: Walk to Chiusi della Verna or La Beccia bus stop
  • Step 2: Bus (H11) from La Beccia to Bibbiena
  • Step 3: Train (TFT Arezzo-Stia line) from Bibbiena to Arezzo
  • Step 4: Train (Trenitalia) from Arezzo to Florence

Note: The La Beccia bus does not run on Saturday or Sunday!

Step 1a: Take a taxi

Pilgrims may be able to arrange a taxi ride to Bibbiena.

Expect to pay €40-€60 for a one-way taxi ride.

Here are some available taxi services near La Verna:

Adreani Enzo Phone: +39 335 819 6313
Enrico Baldi Noleggio con Conducente

Phone: +39 338 396 5843

Taxi Arezzo

Phone: +39 0575 382626

Umberto Cordovani Phone 1: +39 0575 560295

Phone 2: +39 347 7516134


Step 1b: Walk to the bus stop

Your bus stop depends on whether or not you already have a ticket.

If you haven’t already purchased a bus ticket, head to Chiusi della Verna where you can buy a ticket at Albergo Ristorante Bellavista.

If you already have a bus ticket, walk to the closer bus stop at La Beccia.

Note: Bus drivers do not sell tickets on board, and riding a bus without a ticket can result in a significant fine.

Option #1 – Chiusi della Verna (No bus ticket)

If you do not have a bus ticket already, you’ll want to walk to Chiusi della Verna.

From Santa Maria church, follow the Chiusi Della Verna Bus Stop AllTrails Map for about 1.5km, or about 30 minutes, to Albergo Ristorante Bellavista (Google Map). The B&B features a tobacco shop where you can buy bus tickets.

Walk Duration About 30 minutes downhill
Distance 1.5 km
Walk GPX Follow the Chiusi Della Verna Bus Stop AllTrails Map from Santa Maria Church.

Option #2 – La Beccia (Have bus ticket)

If you already have a bus ticket, this is your best option, as it’s much closer than walking to Chiusi della Verna.

From the Santa Maria church, follow the La Beccia Bus Stop AllTrails map for about 650 m, or 15 minutes walk, to the H11 bus stop.

Walk Duration About 15 minutes downhill
Distance 650 meters
Walk GPX Follow the La Beccia Bus Stop AllTrails map from Santa Maria Church.

Step 2: Bus H11 to Bibbiena

Board the bus at either Chiusi della Verna or La Beccia and tell the bus driver you’re headed to Bibbiena.

Bus Stop Location Chiusi della Verna (Google Map) – Ss.208 Chiusi Della Verna Nc.40

La Beccia (Google Map) – La Beccia Nc.21

Plan Aim to be ready at the bus stop no later than 12:00 if you want to arrive in Florence before evening.

Buses leave the area around 7:45, 10, and 12:30.

Check the schedule for exact times.

Tell bus driver you want to depart at Bibbiena.

Schedule See the schedule on the AutoLinee Toscane website.

  1. Visit Website: Schedule for AutoLinee Toscane
  2. Click “Orari” for timetables
  3. Select Bus stop in dropdown
  4. For Chiusi della Verna, choose: Chiusi Della Verna NC. 40
  5. For La Beccia, choose: La Beccia NC.21
  6. Click “Scarica gli orari in formato pdf” to see the PDF of the timetables
  7. Look at page 2 of the pdf for the line: PIEVE S.S.-CHIUSI DELLA VERNA-BIBBIENA-CORSALONE

Alternatively, search Rome2Rio or Google Maps.

Route Frequency Only 5-6 buses per week day. The buses do not run on Saturday or Sunday in the low season. Check schedule in advance
Ride Duration About 40 – 50 minutes.
Where to Buy Tickets There is no shop to buy a ticket in La Beccia. To buy a ticket, walk to Albergo Ristorante Bellavista (Google Map) in Chiusi della Verna.
Distance 19 km
Ticket Price Roughly €3-€6
Ticket Validation Ticket must be validated on the bus when boarding. Look for a validation machine near the front of bus, or ask bus driver. Riding with an unvalidated ticket can result in a significant fine.

Step 3: Train from Bibbiena to Arezzo

When you arrive at Bibbiena, you’ll see the train station nearby.

Buy a ticket on the TFT Arezzo-Stia line toward Arezzo.

You cannot buy a ticket to Florence from the Bibbiena station because the TFT train line only operates locally.

You will buy another ticket later in Arezzo for the Trenitalia train to Florence.

Schedule Arezzo-Stia train line timetables

See times for local trains:

  1. Click the link for Arezzo-Stia train line timetables
  2. Click the Stia link
  3. Look at the left side of the timetable document
Plan There are plenty of trains throughout the day. Aim to arrive before 14:00 to catch a train back to Florence that arrives before evening.
Route Frequency Roughly every 30-40 minutes.
Ride Duration About 1 hour, about 11 stops
Where to Buy Tickets Purchased at the station
Ticket Price Roughly €15 depending on the type of ticket
Ticket Validation Ticket must be validated (stamped) by validation machine BEFORE boarding. Riding with an unvalidated ticket can result in a significant fine.

Step 4: Train from Arezzo to Florence

The last step to get to Florence from La Verna is to take the Trenitalia train from Arezzo to Santa Maria Novella station in Florence.

Schedule Trenitalia Website

See Schedule Online:

  1. Visit Trenitalia website
  2. Choose Departure: “Firenze S.M Novella”
  3. Choose Destination: “Arrezo”
  4. Choose Date
  5. Choose Passengers
  6. See timetable & prices
Route Frequency Roughly every 30 minutes.
Ride Duration About 1 hour, about 15 stops
Where to Buy Tickets Purchased at the station Trenitalia machines, online through the Trenitalia website, or mobile app
Ticket Price Roughly €7-€25 depending on the type of ticket
Ticket Validation Ticket must be validated (stamped) by validation machine BEFORE boarding. Riding with an unvalidated ticket can result in a significant fine.

Cost of Transportation: La Verna to Florence

Prices vary depending on availability, train type, route speed, and ticket class.

  • Bus: La Verna to Bibbiena, €3-€6
  • Train: Bibbiena to Arezzo, €15
  • Train: Arrezo to Florence, €7-€25

Estimated Total Cost: About €25-€60 per person

Total Travel Time to Florence

Travel time will depend on when you leave Florence and train schedules.

Walk: Walk to bus stop = 30 min
Bus: Chiusi della Verna / La Beccia to Bibbiena = 40 min
Train: Bibbiena to Arezzo = 60 min
Train: Arezzo to Florence, 60 min

Estimated Transit Time: 3 hours
Total Time Estimation: About 5 hours

While the trains and buses should keep close to schedule, you’ll likely have waiting time at your transfer stations.

Note: Check Google Maps and Rome2Rio for most recent estimation.