Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts on Via di Francesco

Emergency services can be contacted throughout the Tuscan stages of the Via di Francesco.

Emergency numbers are the same throughout the stages.

Type of Emergency Emergency Number (from Italian phone number)
Carabinieri (National Police) 112
Emergency police, ambulance and fire services 113
Fire department 115
Medical emergencies (ambulance) 118
Forest Fire Service 1515

Recommended Phone Service

We recommend international pilgrims purchase a tourist SIM from TIM mobile near Santa Croce in Florence. This will give walkers an Italian phone number for easy access to emergency services.

Trail Location

Throughout the trail, pilgrims will see trees marked with QR codes. These codes can be given to emergency services to help locate the pilgrim on the trial.

However, phone agents may only speak Italian, which make it difficult for emergency services to locate a pilgrim.

Emergency Services - Tuscany QR Code

If this is the case, please contact us immediately.

Contact Us

In case of emergency and emergency services are unable to help, reach out to us.

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Or contact your nearest accommodations host.

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