Pilgrim Testimonium

The Testimonium: A Certificate of Pilgrimage Completion

The Testimonium is a certificate that serves as a testimony to the completion of a spiritual pilgrimage, such as the Camino de Santiago or the Via Francigena. 

This document recognizes the efforts and dedication of the pilgrim on their spiritual journey.


What is it?
Certificate of pilgrimage completion

Walk at least 100 km on foot or 200 km by bicycle, and collect stamps in your Credential

Where to get it: 
Obtain in Assisi at the Statio Peregrinorum (Pilgrim Office) at St Francis Basilica, or in Rome for pilgrims walking to Rome

Requirements for Obtaining the Testimonium

Testimonium Via di Francesco
Testimonium Via di Francesco

To be eligible for the Testimonium, pilgrims must have:

  1. walked at least 100 kilometers on foot or 200 kilometers by bicycle
  2. Collected stamps (timbri) in their Pilgrim’s Credential (Credenziale del Pellegrino) as proof of their journey.

Pilgrims will need to collect stamps in their personal credentials. See our guide for requesting your Official Credentials.

Obtaining the Testimonium in Assisi

Location and Directions

In Assisi, the Testimonium can be obtained at the Statio Peregrinorum (pilgrim office), which is located near the Basilica di San Francesco. To get there, follow these directions:

  1. Head to the lower piazza of the Basilica di San Francesco by descending the steps.
  2. You’ll be standing near the entrance to the Lower Basilica, where the Mass is held. Directly across from the entrance is the door for the Pilgrim Office. It’s small and non-descript.
  3. If you get lost, ask an official nearby for the Statio Peregrinorum.
Agent at the Statio Peregrinorum gave the final stamp
Agent at the Statio Peregrinorum in Assisi gave the final stamp

Application Process for Testimonium

Present your Pilgrim’s Credential, complete with stamps, to the agent at the Statio Peregrinorum. They will review your Credential and, if deemed eligible, provide you with the Testimonium.

Note: You can ask for a paper tube container to help protect your testimonium.

Obtaining the Testimonium in Rome

A separate completion certificate is offered for pilgrims who walk at least 100 km to Rome on the Via di Francesco. Pilgrims can receive a timbro at St Peter’s Basilica and receive the Testimonium at the Vatican offices.

The Chartula Peregrini: A Special Diploma for All Pilgrims

Chartula Peregrini, Way of St Francis
Chartula Peregrini, Way of St Francis, photo by Via di Francesco

The “Chartula Peregrini” is a unique diploma that acknowledges the spirit of pilgrimage for all those who arrive in Assisi, regardless of the distance traveled. 

Featuring the famous blessing by St Francis to Friar Leo, the Chartula Peregrini emphasizes that it is not the distance traveled that makes a pilgrim, but the spirit with which they reach Assisi.

The Four-Legged Pilgrim Certificate

The Four-Legged Pilgrim Certificate, Way of St Francis, photo by Via di Francesco
The Four-Legged Pilgrim Certificate, Way of St Francis, photo by Via di Francesco

Recognizing the special bond between pilgrims and their animal companions, the “four-legged pilgrim certificate” is a card representing St Francis and the tamed Wolf. 

This certificate includes the name of the pilgrim’s dog or any other living being, acknowledging the value of the company provided by animals during the journey to Assisi.

St Francis of Assisi is known for his special affection for animals, and this has inspired many pilgrims to walk in the company of their dogs. It is essential to always respect the well-being of animals during your pilgrimage.

History and Significance of the Testimonium

The Testimonium Peregrinationis Peractae ad Sanctorum Francisci et Clarae Civitatem is the religious certificate that acknowledges your pilgrimage to the tomb of St Francis in Assisi. 

Its origin is linked to the penitential or judicial pilgrimages in the Middle Ages, where a long journey was undertaken due to a judge’s sentence or a penitence of the confessor. 

In these cases, it was necessary to demonstrate that the destination had been reached, in order to receive absolution and remission of the civil or canonical penalty. 

Today, the Testimonium serves as a valuable and precious souvenir, keeping the memory of the pilgrimage experience alive along with the values and feelings that it allowed the pilgrim to discover.

Conclusion: Via di Francesco Testimonium

In conclusion, the Testimonium is a meaningful certificate that commemorates your spiritual journey and the completion of your pilgrimage. 

By collecting stamps in your Pilgrim’s Credential and meeting the requirements for obtaining the Testimonium, you can receive this special recognition of your dedication and efforts. 

For more information on Pilgrim’s Credentials, be sure to read our article about Credentials

Additionally, as a pilgrim, you may also be interested in attending the Pilgrim’s Mass. Learn more about this beautiful and moving ceremony by reading our article on the Pilgrim’s Mass

As you embark on your spiritual journey, we hope that your pilgrimage will be a transformative and enriching experience that stays with you for a lifetime.