Biennial of Blacksmithing Art

Biennale Arte Fabbrile Stia

Local Tradition


  • Major gathering for blacksmiths worldwide
  • First days of September, odd-numbered years
  • Celebrates centuries-old blacksmithing traditions
  • Showcases international design and sculpture competitions
52017 Stia, Province of Arezzo, Italy
52017 Stia, Province of Arezzo, Italy

Occurs during the first days of September during odd-numbered years.

Admission Fees:

Free to attend

Additional Info:

Blacksmiths worldwide attend the competition


The European Biennial Show of Blacksmithing Art, taking place in the charming village of Stia, Italy, is a highly anticipated event that celebrates the rich blacksmithing traditions of the Casentino Valley.

The event takes place during the first days of September in odd-numbered years. Exact dates for 2023 are August 31 to September 3.

Since 1976, this biennial event has been an important international gathering for blacksmiths, offering a unique platform for artists to showcase their skills in the art of wrought iron.

The event’s program includes an international design competition, a sculpture competition, and a photography competition, as well as workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities.

The Biennial Show provides a fascinating insight into the ancient craft of blacksmithing and its modern applications, drawing visitors from all over the world to experience this captivating event.


The European Biennial Show of Blacksmithing Art was founded in 1976 by Pier Luigi della Bordella and Ivan Bruschi, with the support of then-Mayor Vittoriano Frulloni.

Their goal was to create an event that would highlight the importance of blacksmithing and its connection to the Casentino Valley’s history and culture.

This region has been home to blacksmithing traditions since the Middle Ages, as evidenced by Dante’s Divine Comedy, which mentions Master Adamo da Brescia, a skilled forger who worked for the Guidi Counts in the nearby Castle of Romena.

Over the years, the Biennial Show has grown in significance, becoming a major event for the international blacksmithing community.

The event has helped to preserve and promote the art of blacksmithing, while also encouraging a fruitful exchange between culture, craftsmanship, and the promotion of the Casentino Valley as a center for artisan work and applied arts.

Photo Gallery