Walking in September on the Tuscan Stages

Walking in September on the Tuscan Stages

Mid-September is an ideal time to start the trail in Florence, as many Ospitales are still open, the weather is agreeable, and lodging will be available for those walking the entire route to Rome. Start around September 10 to reach La Verna on September 17 for the Stimmate Feast holiday, when many pilgrims visit the sacred monastery.

Key Highlights

  1. Mid-September is an ideal time to walk the Via di Francesco in Tuscany due to agreeable weather, open accommodations, and special events.
  2. Pilgrims can expect pleasant temperatures, well-maintained trails, and fewer crowds in September.
  3. Wine harvests, fresh fruits, and vegetables are in season, offering delicious local dishes.
  4. Special events such as the Stimmate Feast, Festa dell’Uva, and Giostra del Saracino occur in September.
  5. Public transportation is available for most stages, making it convenient for pilgrims.
  6. Booking accommodations in advance is recommended, especially in Pontassieve.

Weather and Trail Conditions

In September, pilgrims can expect pleasant temperatures ranging from 11.8ºC to 20.3ºC. Rain is more likely towards the end of the month, so the trail conditions are generally good and well-maintained.

  • Average temp: 15.8ºC
  • Average Low Temp: 11.8ºC
  • Average High Temp: 20.3ºC
  • Rainy Days: 9
  • Rainfall (mm): 94
  • Trail Conditions: The trail is in good condition and well maintained during September.


Pack layers, as temperatures can vary throughout the day. A light jacket may be useful for cooler evenings, and rain gear is recommended for the occasional showers.


September is a safe time to walk the Tuscan stages, as the weather is mild and trails are well-maintained. Stay hydrated and be prepared for changing weather conditions.

Pilgrims and Accommodations

Number of Pilgrims

Pilgrim numbers typically decrease in September, although they have been higher in recent years as many pilgrims opt to avoid the August heat and the Chiuso per Ferie holidays. Expect around 12-20 pilgrims per day per stage.

Stages with Open Accommodations

All six stages have open accommodations, making it easier to find lodging during this time.

Booking Recommendation

Book accommodations in advance, particularly in Pontassieve, where pilgrim accommodations are limited.

Public Transportation

Public transportation is available for most stages, except Camaldoli and La Verna. Buses serving Camaldoli and La Verna Monasteries resume in mid-September, making it easier to access these stages using public transit.

Starting in Florence in September

Mid-September is an ideal time to start in Florence, as many Ospitales are still open, the weather is agreeable, and lodging will be available for anyone walking the entire route to Rome. Start around September 10 to reach La Verna on September 17 for the Stimmate Feast holiday, when many pilgrims visit the sacred monastery.

Experiencing Florence in September

September is a pleasant time to visit Florence, with mild temperatures and fewer crowds than during the peak summer months. Popular attractions will be less crowded, making it easier to secure your spot at museums, galleries, and restaurants.

Foreste Casentinesi National Park in September

September is a beautiful time to walk through the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, with mild temperatures and stunning autumn foliage. Plan to carry 1.5L-3L of water per person per day, as hydration is still important.

Foods Highlighted in September

September is the season for wine harvests, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to try local dishes featuring these seasonal ingredients.

  • Porcinis Mushrooms: This coveted mushroom grows wild in the Casentino Apennines, and pilgrims will see them on pastas and menus or even alone as a thin-sliced carpaccio. throughout the region during this time of year.
  • Wine: Experience the grape harvest and local wine festivals, such as Festa dell’Uva in Impruneta. Sample vino novello, a young wine made from the first harvest of the season.
  • Olives: The olive harvest begins in late September, so be sure to sample olive oil and other olive-based products at local markets and farms.

Special Activities and Events in September

Florence and Casentino Events

  • Festa della Rificolona (Festival of Paper Lanterns): On September 6th and 7th, Florence celebrates the birthday of the Virgin Mary with religious services. The event features lantern and boat parades, as well as a fair, paper lantern processions, and a large farmers market in the main square.
  • Stia: Biennial of Blacksmithing Art: Held in odd-numbered years in the early days of September, this event showcases the ancient craft of wrought iron in Stia, with international competitions and exhibitions.
  • Bramito del Cervo: Every September, adult red deer begin their mating season, calling out in the forest for a mate. The event attracts tourists to experience the loud calls in the Casentino Forest National Park. The forests of the park are home to one of the largest deer populations in peninsular Italy.
  • Stimmate Feast: On September 17th, this important event at Santuario La Verna draws worshippers for intense celebrations, including a prayer vigil the night before.
  • Giostra del Saracino: Held twice a year in Arezzo, this historic jousting event takes place on the first Sunday in September, with festivities and medieval costumes.

Tips for Walking the Tuscan Stages in September

  1. Start early to avoid the midday heat.
  2. Stay hydrated and wear sun protection.
  3. Book accommodations in advance, as September is still a popular travel month.

Beyond Tuscany

Umbria Stages: Pieve Santo Stefano to Assisi to Rieti (Stages 7-23)

During September, Umbria enjoys warm days and cooler nights. The region hosts several events and festivals, such as:

  • Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto: A prestigious art and culture festival held in late August and early September.
  • Quintana in Foligno: A medieval jousting tournament held on the second weekend of September.
  • Grape harvest celebrations and sagras (local food festivals) throughout the region.

Lazio Stages: Rieti to Rome (Stages 24-28)

In September, Lazio has pleasant weather, with warm days and cooler evenings. Some events and experiences include:

  • La Barabbata: A traditional festival in Marta on Lake Bolsena, celebrating the agricultural community with a procession on May 14th.
  • RomaEuropa Festival: A multidisciplinary arts festival held in Rome from September to November.
  • Wine harvest celebrations and food festivals showcasing local produce and cuisine.

September is a fantastic time for pilgrims to walk the Via di Francesco in Tuscany. Enjoy the comfortable weather, well-maintained trails, and open accommodations while experiencing unique events like the Stimmate Feast. To make the most of your journey, remember to:

  • Book accommodations in advance, especially in Pontassieve
  • Pack layers for varying temperatures and rain gear for occasional showers
  • Stay hydrated and carry sun protection