Florentine New Year

Capodanno Fiorentino

Local Tradition


  • Celebrates Florentine New Year
  • Morning parade with medieval dress
  • Outdoor market with Italian cuisine
  • Evening concert at 21:00
  • Honors the Annunciation
Piazza della Santissima Annunziata
Firenze, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy
March 25

Occurs annually, March 25


Capodanno Fiorentino, the traditional Florentine New Year, takes place on March 25th each year to celebrate the Annunciation.

The festivities begin with a morning parade starting at Palazzo Vecchio and filling the streets of Florence with elaborate medieval dress and music.

The celebration continues at Piazza SS Annunziata, where an outdoor market offers Italian cuisine from 9:00 to 17:00, followed by an evening concert at 21:00.

Visitors can also admire the frescoes of the Annunciation inside the church. This event is a unique opportunity to experience the rich history and culture of Florence and participate in a local tradition that dates back centuries.

Event Schedule

9:00-17:00: Outdoor market with Italian cuisine at Piazza SS Annunziata
21:00: Evening concert at Piazza SS Annunziata


Capodanno Fiorentino has its roots in the period between 1250 and 1750 when the people of Florence gathered at the SS Annunziata to celebrate the arrival of spring and the Annunciation.

The medieval fresco of the Annunciation inside the church served as the centerpiece of the festivities.

According to legend, the artist commissioned to paint the fresco fell asleep after completing all but the face of the Virgin Mary, only to wake up and find a completed, beautiful blonde Madonna – angelic masters had finished the fresco for him.

The people of Florence were so devoted to the Madonna that they refused to accept the Gregorian calendar year until 1750, continuing to celebrate the New Year on March 25th. Today, this event remains an important part of Florentine culture and tradition.

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